
因為惜別餐會時我送了小紀念品給Mohan Gunti 先生並答應要把照片給他,所以當晚我回房間雖然滿腦子都是要快寫BLOG和上傳影片,但還是馬上先做這件事,畢竟言出必行,行將必果是很重要的。後來回到台灣就收到他的溫暖來信,他希望能向所有人表達問候之意,以下就是信中的內容




Dear Pk,


Many Thanks for your email and pictures.


It was nice meeting you and all your friends.. You all people are so nice and gentle.


I feel and hope that you will have a very good fortune and future where you and your friends will play a key role in developing strong relations with other countries through tourism.


I also like to take this opportunity to convey my best wishes to all your friends...Do tell them to keep in touch with me also.. I hope you can send some more pictures..:)


You can share my email to your friends.. and tell them to keep in touch and also share their experiences when they visted world heritage destinations..


Last but not least, pls do convey my regards to Mr. Robert, Lee, Peter, Karen and other friends.


Take care and best wishes always.. Do keep in touch


Mohan Gunti







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